Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Willy's Woes

Adoption Day
Willy is the newest member of the Hammond Pack and the primary reason I've decided to start a blog. Some of you already know Willy's story through the Greenville Humane Society (an organization of heros fighting everyday to save animals) and you've opened your hearts and wallets to him. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart and I want this blog to be a place for you to go and see your contributions hard at work.

For those of you who don't know the story, Willy is a 3 1/2 month old puppy with a congenital heart defect known as pulmonic stenosis. Without corrective surgery, Willy would likely not see his second birthday. Thank goodness we can do something to prevent such a tragedy! In the coming weeks, we will travel to NC State University so that Willy can get the treatment he needs to live a long and happy life of tormenting his 3 older sisters and eating shoes (of which he has already shown to have very expensive taste).

By way of background, my husband and I have currently have 4 dogs, including Willy. Maggie, who deserves her own blog altogether, passed away on March 21, 2011 at the age of 14. People think we're crazy for having 4 inside dogs and wonder how we do it. All I can say is that after we lost Maggie and came home to only 3, our house has never felt so empty and quiet. Four is our magic number...we can handle no more and no less. After Maggie's death, Jonathan and I got back involved with the foster program at the Greenville Humane Society. We fostered Willy and nursed him through kennel cough and it wasn't long before he chose us as his forever home. All things happen for a reason and timing is everything...if we hadn't lost Maggie when we did, our path would not have crossed with Willy's. We will continue to miss Maggie everyday but we're excited and honored to start this new chapter! 


  1. We passed the park this week near 123 Ashley, where I used to walk precious Maggie. My family has not forgotten her sweet spirit, Brooke, and yes, all things do happen for a reason. Loved your Willy story, and he will be a pretty darn cute addition to your household. We also have a rescue who has a strong penchant for SHOES!!!!!

  2. Thank so much Ellen! It always meant to much to me that you loved my Maggie :)
